
Vendita di forniture industriali  Ampia gamma di prodotti per garantire efficienza e affidabilità nei processi produttivi.


Manutenzione specializzata Manutenzione programmata e straordinaria per ridurre i fermi macchina.


Riparazioni rapide ed efficienti Interventi tempestivi su componenti e macchinari industriali.

Vi offriamo il nostro supporto specializzato.

Forniamo assistenza al vostro sistema dell'aria compressa a intervalli prestabiliti per ridurre il rischio di imprevisti e mantenere il processo produttivo costantemente a livelli ottimali. I costi degli interventi di routine di manutenzione sono fissi, il che vi consente di prevederli con la massima semplicità.

I Nostri Servizi

Morning prayer

We arrange our everyday morning prayer and serve God’s guests in the church.

Sunday Services

Our Sunday services include a fun, giving and life-saving environment with prayer in peace.

Christian Wedding

We let you arrange Christian weddings in our premises as you like based on pre-booking.

Social Work

We organize social work and take regular donations to smoothly conduct it.


We arrange a spiritual funeral program for all the Christian souls and a well-maintained cemetery.


We arrange a child baptism ceremony every week to bring our children near to God.


Church Pastors

Paul Calvin

Lead Pastor

Paul Calvin worked as a social worker and geologist. His devotion to God made him come to this path.

Benjamin Keach


Benjamin Keach was a physicist who decided to become a pastor in our church and serve the community and God.

Paolo Segneri


Paolo Segneri was also a social worker who served humanity for a long time. He became our pastor to start serving God.

Tobia Lionelli


Tobia Lionelli was a teacher who started learning about Jesus Christ and decided to serve as a pastor.


God’s Disciples & Their Thoughts

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